The Basics of Using the Gutenberg Block Editor

Disclaimer: These videos are a bit dated and may not reflect the current state of the block editor, but they are still a good reference and starting point. If you have specific block editor questions feel free to reach out or hop on Google and look around as there are some wonderful tutorials and documentation out there.

In this short series of videos I will go over the basics of using the Gutenberg Block Editor in WordPress. In all of my projects since the launch of WordPress 5.0 I embrace the Gutenberg Editor as it is now the default editing experience within WordPress. This experience is vastly different from the “Classic Editor” so hopefully this short video series gets you on the path towards Guten-freedom!

An overview of the Gutenberg Block Editor page

Basic Block Usages (images, paragraphs, headings, spacers, etc…)

Advanced Blocks (groups and columns)

Adding Links

Using custom ACF blocks

Reusable blocks

Moving and editing and navigating blocks